WP2 - Tutorials and design specifications
Two tutorials will to be given by biologists to engineers and by engineers to biologists. It can be a very effective way to exchange systematized knowledge between researchers from different communities and will greatly help the successive phases of joint research. This approach will help to overcome the difficulties inherent to the multi-disciplinary nature of GrowBot and open the discussion for the next WPs. The tutorials will then be made available on the Consortium web site for easy access. After this preliminary phase, this WP will be dedicated to define GrowBot design specifications and application scenarios.
Partners involved

Activities: In this task, the experts on bioinspired and soft robotics, multifunctional materials, mathematical modelling, robot architectures, bioenergy, nanotechnologies, and manufacturing, will present to biologists fundamental aspects on these topics, which are relevant for GrowBot. Demos of the existing and developed prototypes/technologies will be organized to better explain their basic principles.
Expected results: Defining a common language and clarifying misleading terminology. To propose a methodology to overcome barriers among disciplines.
Activities: In this task, the experts on plant physiology, biomechanics, ecology and behaviour will summarise and present to the experts on the “artificial” counterparts selected climbing plants features relevant for developing innovative artefacts.
Expected results: Defining a common language and clarifying misleading terminology. To propose a methodology to overcome barriers among disciplines.
Activities: This task will deliver the design of the GrowBot technologies and their application scenarios, with the support of the Advisory Board Members.
Expected results: It will provide the basic constraints for the development of the different enabling technology (i.e., growing robot manufacturing approaches vs materials used for structure and functionality, soft robotic systems for anchoring, soft materials/actuators for attachment, control schemes, behavioural architecture, systems for energy generation from plants), in terms of dimensions, power consumption, data exchange, so to ensure a smooth integration phase in WP8.
Deliverables' List
The experts on plant physiology, biomechanics, ecology and behaviour will summarise and present to the experts on the “artificial” counterparts selected climbing plants features relevant for developing innovative artefacts.
The experts on bioinspired and soft robotics, multifunctional materials, mathematical modelling, robot architectures, bioenergy, nanotechnologies, and manufacturing, will present to biologists fundamental aspects on these topics, which are relevant for GrowBot. Demos of the existing and developed prototypes/technologies will be organized to better explain their basic principles.
As result of Task 2.3 activities, a report will be released with the definition of specifications for technologies realization and with the scenarios of use.