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Plants in the Art

Diana Scherer

Diana Scherer is a visual artist living and working in Amsterdam.
Her practice encompasses photography, material research, plant root-weaving and sculpture.
Scherer explores the relationship of man versus his natural environment. Through her installations she examines the boundaries between plant culture and nature.
For the past few years her fascination has been focused on the dynamics of underground plant parts. She has been captivated by the root system, with its hidden, underground processes. Her longterm project Exercises in Rootsystem Domestication originated as an art project with an intuitive approach has also developed into an innovative material research. Working on this project Scherer shifts between disciplines, from design to art, craft and science. To develop the work she collaborate together with biologists, engineers and designers.

Makoto Azuma

Makoto Azuma is a Japanese flower artist, botanical sculptor, and co-founder of JARDINS des FLEURS.

Botanical Art and Artists

American Society of Botanical Artists

The American Society of Botanical Artists was founded in 1994 by Diane Bouchier.
The Corporation has been organized to operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. To promote a continuing public interest in botanical art as a fine and applied art; 2. To awaken and sustain an interest in; and, to foster, stimulate, support and improve botanical art; 3. To provide assistance to individuals endeavouring to create botanical art; or, 4. To conduct any and all lawful activities that may be useful in accomplishing the foregoing purposes.

The Top Botanical Art Compendium

Katherine Tyrrell created in 2015 the top compendium of botanical art past and present for botanical artists and illustrators of today and tomorrow.